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二十五、 One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己向往的事业;有自己爱的人;还有希望.

I can't leave such an important thing, give some young people to do.

some people always complain that such days are too slow, like jail.

some political disputes can also be skillful, do a job with skill and ease.

but it was the broad beans most makes one laugh, all out, although some seem to be closer together than planned.

although he is a boy but he beam fairly, angry or surprised some people.

a top gun of the writer, he at the base of the West Island sounded the Hemingway's door, looking for some advice to him, was later co opted as a crewman.

some social occasions, everyone there to deal with each other courteously but without sincerity, is really boring.

the past is like adding some memories only constant departure and reunion of friends, now.

society there is always some speculators can not resist the greed that as long as the layout is carefully and skillfully, and afterwards you can escape with impunity.

revisiting old, personnel is not, only some discernible constant departure and reunion of friends.

the composition of the picture is good, but some of the details are distracting.

after the plane crash, some remarks on the Internet there actually take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

and he recalled said that sometimes he would have been some banks charge brusque reprimanded, because they think that his view was too negative.

in this world, some people will be taught, infer other things from one fact, but there is still no matter how difficult to teach people the stone nod.

a long time I remember some indistinct childhood thing.

some of the little-known things, he knew, so he was called "know-all"

some idol star private and not so very amiable and easy of approach, superior outside the imagination.

it must be admitted that, some Africans are not tough enough in their trading: always arrogant Rwandans could allow Chinese investors have mercy.

I heard that in some parts of the pickpocket, in a flagrant way to go property in a public occasion with tourists.


词语名称】: some

词语拼音】: some


词语意思】: -


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