
弄清查询 > 在线造句 > 用new造句


only the skilled free application, for example, the ability to make students writing literary climax, miaobishenghua, students' writing has leapt to a new level.

as a new generation of entrepreneurs, we should not only have a hard spirit, but also Dripping water wears through a stone..

we must unite and take care of the various social forces, to play their proper role, unite in a concerted effort, the construction of new Chinese.

Wang although educated, continue to pursue new knowledge, diligent spirit is worth learning.

reading is a lifetime thing, even the knowledgeable scholars, still need to continuously enrich the new knowledge.

because the upper refused to release the rights, so the system The new supersedes the old. slowly.

the epidemic is constantly to meet the needs of young people The new supersedes the old., chengtuo.

the high salaries of sun shine, warm heart. Spring scenery, pale green new leaves, the field mist of smoke, like her clothes.

let us consider the problem of single purification, to avoid unnecessary New problems crop up unexpectedly.

the promotion of employees in order to avoid the problems cause uproar, company executives have three New problems crop up unexpectedly., sealed its mouth.

this thing has already been tired of me, you don't have New problems crop up unexpectedly. laicourenao.

Xiao Ming said hope this birthday party smoothly, not what New problems crop up unexpectedly. faults.

when contracts are negotiated soon, the other party has put forward new requirements to New problems crop up unexpectedly.

the original is a simple thing, unexpectedly makes a lot of trouble New problems crop up unexpectedly..

the news more people know, the more New problems crop up unexpectedly.

these things are pure original completely unexpected New problems crop up unexpectedly..

you are engaged for so long, in order not to get married. I see New problems crop up unexpectedly.!

this matter has ended, did not expect to again ask for another New problems crop up unexpectedly., pile of trouble.

the knowledge learned, often can get new knowledge to infer other things from one fact.

The seminary students is "the gods of the new poets", Emerson encouraged them to "get rid of all the customs, direct and deity".


汉字名称】: new

汉字拼音】: new

汉字解释】: -


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